• 548. Second-Order Variational Analysis in Optimization, Variational Stability, and Control: Theory, Algorithms, Applications,   XVIII+789 pp.,  Springer, Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Cham, Switzerland, 2024.

  • 547.  (with D. Nguyen, T. Nguyen, N. Ortiz-Robinsion and V. Rios), Well-posedness and stability of discrete approximations for controlled
     sweeping processes with time delay, submitted (2024); arxiv.org/abs/2409.20404

  • 546. (with R. Elster, J. E. Martinez-Legaz and C. Tammer),  Preface to the Special Issue of Optimization dedicated to the memory of D. Pallaschke, 2024.

  • 545. (with P. Wu and X. Yang), Relative well-posedness of constrained systems accompanied by variational calculus, submitted (2024); arxiv.org/abs/2212.02727 

  • 544. (with N. X. D. Bao and N. M. Nam), Nash equilibrium and minimax theorems via variational tools of convex analysis, submitted (2024); arXiv:2408.14433

  • 543.   (with G. Bento, T. Mota and Yu. Nesterov), Convergence of descent methods under Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz properties, submitted (2024); arxiv:2407.00812

  • 542. (with A. Bouach and T. Haddad) , Discrete approximations and optimality conditions for integro-differential inclusions, submitted (2024);arXiv:2408.02856

  • 541. (with D. H. Cuong,  P. D. Khanh and D. B. Tran), Local convergence analysis for nonisolated solutions to derivative-free methods of optimization, submitted (2024); https://optimization-online.org/?p=27216

  • 540.  (with M. Chao, Z. Shi and J. Zhang), Coderivative-based Newton methods with Wolfe linesearch for nonsmooth optimization, submitted (2024); arXiv:2407.02146

  • 539.  (with G. Li and J. Zhu), Generalized metric subregularity with applications to high-order regularized Newton methods, submitted (2024); arXiv:2406.13207

  • 538. (with P.  D.  Khanh and D. B. Tran), Globally convergent derivative-free methods in nonconvex optimization with and without noise, submitted (2024); https://optimization-online.org/2024/06/globally-convergent-derivative-free-methods-in-nonconvex-optimization-with-and-without-noise/

  • 537.  (with L. P. Hai and F. Lara), Regular subgradients of marginal functions with applications to calculus and bilevel programming, to appear in JOTA; arXiv:2405.20737 (2024).

  • 536. (with G. Colombo, D. Nguyen, T. Nguyen and N. Ortiz-Robinson), Optimal control of perturbed sweeping process with applications to general robotic models, to appear in JOTA; arXiv:2405.08986 (2024)

  • 535. (with P.  D.  Khanh, V.  V.  H. Khoa and J. E. Martinez-Legaz),  Relationships between global and local monotonicity of operators, J. Convex Anal. 32 (2025), No. 1; arXiv:2403.20227

  • 534. (with O. Nguyen) , Subdifferential calculus for ordered set-valued mappings between infinite-dimensional spaces, to appear in J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. (2024); arXiv:2410.11362

  • 533. (with P. D. Khanh and T. V. Phat), Coderivative-based Newton methods in structured nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization, submitted (2024); arXiv:2403.04262

  • 532. (with G. Bento et al.) A re fined proximal algorithm for nonconvex
    multiobjective optimization in Hilbert spaces, submitted (2024); arXiv:2403.09922

  • 531.  (with P.  D.  Khanh, H.-C. Luong and D. B. Tran), Fundamental convergence analysis of sharpness-aware minimization; Proceedings of NeurIPS 2024;  arXiv: 2401.08069.

  • 530. (with P. Wu and X. Yang), Stability criteria and calculus rules via conic contingent coderivatives in Banach spaces,  Optimization; DOI 10.1080/02331934.2024.2385643 (2024).

  • 529. (with P. D. Khanh et al.), Convergence of sharpness-aware minimization with momentum, in: Communication in Computers and Information Science, Vol.  2226, Springer, 2024.

  • 528.  (with P.  D.  Khanh, V.  V.  H. Khoa and V. T.  Phat), Second-order subdifferential optimality conditions in nonsmooth optimization, to appear in SIAM J. Optim. (2024); arXiv:2312.16277

  • 527. (with D. Nguyen and T. Nguyen), Optimal control of sweeping processes in unmanned surface vehicles and nanoparticle modeling,  Optimization  (2024); https://doi.org/10.1080/02331934.2024.2366832

  • 526.  (with P.  D.  Khanh, V.  V.  H. Khoa and V. T. Phat), Local minimizers of nonconvex functions in Banach spaces via Moreau envelopes, to appear in Vietnam J. Math.

  • 525. (with P. D.  Khanh and D. B. Tran), General derivative-free optimization methods under global and local continuity of gradients, submitted (2023); arXiv:2311.168050

  • 524. ( with P.  D.  Khanh, V.  V.  H. Khoa and V. T. Phat), Variational and strong variational convexity in infinite-dimensional variational analysis, SIAM J. Optim. 34 (2024), 2756–2787.

  • 523. (with L. Zhao et al.) Spot drilling time (SDT) optimization for a cyclotron-based proton therapy system, 61st PTCOG  Conference. Madrid, Spain, 2023.

  • 522. ( with P. D. Khanh, V. V.  H. Khoa and V. T. Phat), Local maximal monotonicity in variational analysis and optimization, submitted; to appear in Math. Oper. Res. (2024); arXiv:2311.18586.

  • 521.  (with G. Colombo, D. Nguyen and T. Nguyen), Discrete approximations and optimality conditions for controlled free-time sweeping processes,  Appl. Math. Optim., 89, Article 40 (2024): DOI: 10.1007/s00245-024-10108-7.

  • 520. (with S. Reich and A. Zaslavski), Special issue of Variational Analysis and Optimization Theory dedicated to R. J-B Wets (preface), Pure Appl. Funct. Anal. 8, No. 5  (2023).

  • 519. (with P. D. Khanh, V. T. Phat and D. B. Tran), Inexact proximal method for weakly convex functions, to appear in J. Global Optim. (2024); arXiv:2307.15596

  • 518. (with V. S. T. Long and N. M. Nam), Generalized relative interiors and generalized convexity in infinite dimensions, to appear in Optimization; arXiv:2307.15869 (2023)

  • 517. (with P. D. Khanh and D. B. Tran), A new inexact gradient descent method
    with applications to nonsmooth convex optimization,  Optim. Methods Softw.  (2024); DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2024.2322700 

  • 516. (with P. Wu and X. Yang), Relative well-posedness of constrained systems with applications to variational inequalities, arXiv , arXiv:2212.02727 (2023).

  • 515. (with F. J. Aragon-Artacho and P. Perez-Aros), Coderivative-based semi-Newton method in nonsmooth difference programming, Math. Program.; https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-024-02142-8 (2024).

  • 514. Variational analysis and numerical optimization with applications to Machine learning, Proc. International African Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Applications, Kigali, Rwanda, 2023.

  • 513. (with P. D. Khanh and D. B. Tran), Inexact reduced gradient methods in nonconvex optimization,  J. Optim.  Theory Appl. (2024); DOI: 10.1007/s10957-023-02319-9

  • 512. (with A. Zaslavski), Special issue on Optimal Control and Related Topics dedicated to J. Warga (preface),  Communications in Optimization Theory, 2023; http://cot.mathres.org/article-collections

  • 511. Variational analysis in numerical optimization, Proc.  5th International Conference on Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2023.

  • 510. To the memory of Boris Teodorovich Polyak, https://memorialsource.com/memorial/polyak (2023)

  • 509. Approximations Methods  in Problems of Optimization and Control, second edition, 368 pp.,  URSS Publishing,  ISBN 978-5-9710-4381-2,  Moscow,  Russia,  2023.

  • 508. (with N. M. Nam) An Easy Path To Convex Analysis and Applications, second edition,  xx+ 300 pp., Springer Series in Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and Statistics, 2023.

  • 507. (with P. D. Khanh, V. V.  H. Khoa and V. T. Phat) Variational convexity of functions in Banach spaces,  Functional Analysis and Continuous Optimization (J. M. Amigo et al., eds), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 424, pp. 237–260, 2023;  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-30014-1_11.

  • 506. (with A. Zaslavski  ) Special issue on Optimization and System Theory dedicated to R. Gabasov (preface) , Communications in Optimization Theory, 2023; http://cot.mathres.org/article-collections

  • 505. (with P. C. Wu and X. Q. Yang) Relative well-posedness of constrained systems in finite and infinite dimensions, arXiv:2212.02727 (2022).

  • 504. (with P. D. Khanh and V. T. Phat) Variational convexity of functions and variational sufficiency in optimization, SIAM J. Optim. 33 (2023),  1231-1158.

  • 503. (with N. M. Nam) Convex Analysis and Beyond,  Vol. 1: Basic Theory,  XVII+585 pp.,  Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering, 2022.

  • 502.  (with H. Antil, R. Arndt, D. Nguyen and C. N. Rautenberg) Optimal control of a quasi-variational sweeping process,  to appear in Math. Control Relat. Fields (MCRF) ; arXiv:2209.00075 (2022).

  • 501. (with B. Vexler and A. Zaslavski)  Special Issue on  Control, Optimization and PDE (preface), Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 5 (2022), No. 7.

  • 500. (with O. Nguyen) Subdifferential calculus for ordered multifunctions with applications to set-valued optimization, Journal of Applied and Numerical Optimization  5 (2023), 27-53; https://doi.org/10.23952/jano.5.2023.1.03

  • 499. (with P. D. Khanh and D.  B. Tran) Inexact reduced gradient methods in smooth nonconvex optimization,  submitted (2022); arXiv:2204.01806.

  • 498. (with N. M. Nam) An Easy Path to  Convex Analysis, updated version published by Springer,  Synthesis Lectures Series on Mathematics and Statistics, 2022.

  • 497. (with A. V. Arutyunov and S. E. Zhukovskiy) Implicit functions theorems for continuous mappings and their applications, Math. Notes  113 (2023), 793-806 (Russian), 749–759 (English); DOI: 10.1134/S0001434623050164

  • 496. (with Q. Ansari and M. Pappalardo), Optimization, Variational Analysis and Applications, Preface to the special issue of J. Optim. Theory Appl.  dedicated to F. Giannessi, 193 (2022), 1-4.

  • 495. Generalized Newton methods via variational analysis, Proc. of the  5th Seminar on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, Tabriz, Iran, 2022.

  • 494. (with A. V. Arutyunov and S. E. Zhukovskiy) Coincidence points of parameterized generalized equations with applications to optimal value functions, J. Optim. Theory Appl.  196 (2023), 177–198.

  • 493. (with P. D. Khanh, V. T. Phat and D. B. Tran) Generalized Newton algorithms in nonsmooth optimization via second-order subdifferentials,  J.  Global Optim. 86 (2023), 93–122.

  • 492.  (with D. V. Cuong, N. M. Nam and G. Sandine) Revisiting Rockafellar’s theorem on relative interiors with applications to convex generalized differentiation, J. Convex Anal. 30 (2023), No. 2; arXiv:2201.10689

  • 491. (with P. Perez-Aros) Sensitivity analysis of stochastic constraint and variational systems via generalized differentiation, Set-Valued Var. Anal.  31 \, 4 (2023), No. 1; DOI: 10.1007/s11228-022-00657-w

  • 490. (with R. Henrion and A. Jourani) Controlled polyhedral sweeping processes: existence, stability, and optimality conditions, J. Diff. Eqs. 366 (2023), 408–443.

  • 489.  (with P. D. Khanh, V. T. Phat and D. B. Tran) Globally convergent coderivative-based generalized Newton methods in nonsmooth optimization,  Math. Program.  205 (2024),  373–429.

  • 488. (with R. Burachik, S. Reich and A. Zaslavski)  Optimization theory (Preface to the special issue dedicated to R. T. Rockafellar),  Pure Appl. Funct. Anal. 6 (2021), 1-2.

  • 487. Variational Analysis, to appear in Encyclopedia of Optimization, 3rd edition (P. Pardados and O. Prokopiev, eds.),  Springer,  https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-030-54621-2_734-1 (2023).

  • 486. (with D. V. Cuong, N. M. Nam and G. Sandine) Generalized differentiation and duality in infinite dimensions under polyhedral convexity,  Set-Valued Var. Anal. 30 (2022) , 1503–1526.

  • 485. (with D. V. Cuong, N. M. Nam and G. Sandine)  Fenchel-Rockafellar theorem in infinite dimensions via generalized interiors,  Optimization 72 (2023), 135-162.

  • 484. (with J. Parra and A. Shapiro) Continuous Optimization and Stability Analysis (preface),  Math. Program.  189 (2021), 1-5.

  • 483.  (with A. Mohammadi) Optimality conditions for variational problems in incomplete functional spaces,  J. Optim. Theory Appl. 193 (2022), 139-157.

  • 482. Applications of variational analysis to controlled sweeping processes, to appear in Recent Developments in Automatic Control (Y. P.  Kondratenko et al., eds),   Chapter 2, pp. 31-59 , River Publishers,  Gistrub, Denmark, 2022.

  • 481. (with A. Bouach and T. Haddad) Optimal control of nonconvex integro-differential sweeping processes, J. Diff.  Eqs. 29 (2022), 255–317.

  • 480. (with T. H. Cao,  D. Nguyen and T. Nguyen)  Applications  of controlled sweeping processes to nonlinear crowd motion models with obstacles,  IEEE Syst. Cont. Lett.  6 (2022),  740-745; DOI: 10.1109/LCSYS.2021.3085953

  • 479. (with T. H. Cao, N. T. Khalil, D. Nguyen, T. Nguyen and F. L. Pereira) Optimization of controlled free-time sweeping processes with applications to marine surface vehicle modeling, IEEE Syst. Cont. Lett. 6 (2022),  782-787; DOI: 10.1109/LCSYS.2021.3085900

  • 478.  (with T. H. Cao, N. T. Khalil, D. Nguyen  and F. L. Pereira) Crowd model paradigm modeled by bilevel optimal control, IEEE Syst. Cont. Lett. 6 (2022), 385-390; DOI: 10.1109/LCSYS.2021.3077446

  • 477. (with T. Q. Bao, A. Soubeyran and C. Tammer) Vector optimization with domination structures: Variational principles and applications, Set-Valued Var.  30 (2022), 695–729.

  • 476. (with P. D. Khanh, V. T. Phat and D. B. Tran) Damped Newton algorithms in nonsmooth optimization with applications to Lasso problems (2021); arXiv:2101.10555v2

  • 475. (with P. Perez-Aros) Generalized Leibniz rules and Lipschitzian stability for expected-integral mappings, SIAM J. Optim. 31 (2021), 3212–3246;  DOI: 10.1137i21rV1392541

  • 474. (with T. H. Cao, G. Colombo and D. Nguyen) Optimization of fully controlled sweeping processes. J. Diff. Eqs.  295 (2021), 138-186.

  • 473. (with X. Yuan, S. Zheng and J. Zhang) A globally convergent proximal Newton-type method in nonsmooth convex optimization, Math. Program. 198 (2023) , 899–936.
  • 472. (with B. A. Christopherson and F. Jafari), Feedback stabilization of nonlinear control systems by composition operators,  ESAIM-COCV 28 (2022);

  • 471. Variational analysis: new trends and developments, Proc. Intern. Conf. Automatics, pp. 23-25, Kiev, Ukraine, 2020.

  • 470. (with D. V. Cuong, N. M. Nam and M. Wells) Convex analysis of minimal time and signed minimal time functions, Optimization 71 (2022), 849–876.
  • 469. (with P. Perez-Aros) Generalized sequential differential calculus for expected-integral functionals, Set-Valued Var. Anal. 29 (2021), 621–644.
  • 468. (with P. D. Khanh and V. T. Phat) A generalized Newton method for subgradient systems,  Math. Oper. Res. 48 (2023), 1811–1845.

  • 467. (with A. Mohammadi) Variational analysis in normed spaces with applications to constrained optimization, SIAM J. Optim.  31 (2021), 569–603.
  • 466. (with N. T. V. Hang and M. E. Sarabi) Augmented Lagrangian method for second-order conic programs under second-order sufficiency, J. Global Optim.  82 (2022) , 51-81.
  • 465. (with R. Elster, J. E. Martinez-Legaz and C. Tammer) Obituary for Diethard Pallaschke, Optimization, 2020.

  • 464. (with D. Nguyen) Discrete approximations and optimal control of nonsmooth perturbed sweeping processes, Convex Anal. 28 (2021), 655-688.

  • 463. (with A. Mohammadi and M. E. Sarabi) Superlinear convergence of the sequential quadratic programming method in constrained optimization. J. Optim. Theory Appl. Applications, 186 (2020), 731-758.

  • 462. (with M. E. Sarabi) Generalized Newton algorithms for tilt-stable minimizers in nonsmooth optimization,  SIAM J. Optim.  31 (2021), 1184–1214.
  • 461. (with D. V. Cuong and N. M. Nam) Extremal systems of convex sets with applications to convex calculus in vector spaces, Pure Appl. Funct. Anal. 6  (2021), 1139-1155.

  • 460. (with T. H. Cao, G. Colombo and D. Nguyen), Optimization and discrete approximation of sweeping processes with controlled moving sets and perturbations,  J. Diff. Eqs. 274 (2021), 461-509.

  • 459. (with B. A. Christopherson and F. Jafari), Stabilization of nonlinear control systems via composition operators; arxiv:2001.08671

  • 458. (with D. V. Cuong, N. M. Nam and A. Cartwell) Algebraic core and convex calculus without topology, to appear in Optimization (2021); DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2020.1800700

  • 457. Optimal control of differential inclusions, II: Sweeping, Bull. Irkutsk State Univ., Ser. Math. 31 (2020), 62-77.

  • 456. (with A. Mohammadi and M. E. Sarabi) Stability of KKT systems and superlinear convergence of the SQP method under parabolic regularity; arXiv:1910.06894

  • 455. (with B. A. Christopherson and F. Jafari) Variational approach to local asymptotic and exponential stabilization of nonlinear systems, SN Oper. Res. Forum (2020); DOI: 10.1007/s43069-020-0003-z

  • 454. (with P. Perez-Aros) New extremal principles with applications to stochastic and semi-infinite programming, Math. Program 189 (2021), 527-553.

  • 453. (with N. M. Nam) The Fermat-Torricelli problem and Weiszfeld algorithm in the light of convex analysis, arXiv:1302.5244 , J. Appl. Numer. Optim. 1 (2019), 205–215.

  • 452. (with A. Mohammadi and M. E. Sarabi) Parabolic regularity in geometric variational analysis, Trans. Amer. Soc. 374 (2021),  1711–1763.

  • 451. Optimal Control of Sweeping Processes with Applications, Lecture Notes, International School and Workshop on Control of State-Constrained Dynamical Systems, Valparaiso, Chile, 2019; http://coscds2019.mat.utfsm.cl

  • 450. Optimal control of differential inclusions, I: Lipschitzian case, Bull. Irkutsk State Univ. Ser. Math. 30 (2019), 39-50.

  • 449. (with N. Aydin and A. Murat)  Sample intelligence-based progressive hedging algorithms for stochastic capacitated reliable facility location,  Artif. Intel. Rev.  (2024), pp.\ 57–135, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-024-10755-w

  • 448. (with N. Sagara) Subdifferentials of value functions in nonconvex dynamic programming for nonstationary stochastic processes, Comm. Stoch. Anal. 23 (2019), No. 3, pp. 1-18; DOI: 10.31390/cosa.13.3.05

  • 447. (with V. Barbu, S. Reich and A. Zaslavski) Preface to the special issue on Control Theory and PDE dedicated to I. Lasiecka, Pure Appl. Func. Anal. 4 (2019), No. 4.

  • 446. Optimal Control of Sweeping Processes, Lecture Notes, PhD Summer School in Applied Mathematics, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 2019; http://w3.math.uminho.pt/PDMSummerSchool2019/

  • 445. (with M. J. Canovas, M. A. Lopez and J. Parra) Subdifferentials and stability analysis of feasible set and Pareto front mappings in linear multiobjective optimization, Vietnam J. Math. 48 (2020), 315-334.

  • 444. (with A. Mohammadi and M. E. Sarabi) Variational analysis of composite models with applications to continuous optimization, Math. Oper. Res. 47 (2022),  397-426.

  • 443. Bilevel optimization and variational analysis, in Bilevel Optimization. Advances and New Challenges (S. Dempe and A. Zemkoho, eds.), pp. 197-226, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2020.

  • 442. (with A. Bajaj, N.M. Nam and T. Tran, Solving multifacility location problems by DC algorithms, Optim. Meth. Softw. 37 (2022), 338–360

  • 441. Optimal control of differential inclusions, http://www.optimization-online.org/DB_HTML/2019/07/7279.html

  • 440. Variational Analysis and Applications, Chinese translation, Science Press, Beijing, China, 2023.

  • 439. Second-Order Variational Analysis with Applications to Optimization and Control, Lecture Notes,  Spring School on Variational Analysis VII at Paseky, In: Variational Analysis and Its Applications (M. Cervinka, ed.), pp. 181–303, MatfyzPress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2019.

  • 438. (with S. Hosseini and A. Uschmajew, eds.), Nonsmooth Optimization and Applications, 120 pp., International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Birkhauser, Cham, Switzerland, 2019.

  • 437. (with A. Eberhard and J. Rieger) Explicit formula for preimages of relaxed one-sided Lipschitz mapping with negative Lipschitz constants, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 185 (2020), 34–43.

  • 436. Optimal control of Lipschitzian and discontinuous differential inclusions with various applications, Proc. Inst. Math. Mech. Azer. Acad. Sci. 45 (2019), 52–74.

  • 435. (with H. Do and M. E. Sarabi) Criticality of Lagrange multipliers in extended nonlinear optimization, Optimization 70 (2021), 511–544.

  • 434. (with G. Colombo and D. Nguyen) Optimal control of sweeping processes in robotics and traffic flow models, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 182 (2019),

  • 433. To the memory of Vladimir Goncharov (2018); http://www.inmvg.uevora.pt/

  • 432. (with D. V. Cuong and N. M. Nam) Quasi-relative interiors for graphs of convex set-valued mappings, Optim. Lett.  15 (2021), 933-952.

  • 431. Avoiding critical multipliers and slow convergence of primal-dual methods for fully stable minimizers, J. Convex Nonlin. Anal. 20 (2019), 1475-1496.

  • 430. (with A. F. Izmailov and F. Lobo Pereira) Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Preface, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 180 (2019), 1-4.

  • 429. Variational Analysis and Applications, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, XIX+622 pp., Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018.

  • 428. (with B. A. Christopherson and F. Jafari) Variational characterizations of local asymptotic and exponential stabilizability, arXiv:1902.10871

  • 427. (with M. Benko and H. Gfrerer) Characterizations of tilt-stable minimizers in second-order cone programming, SIAM J. Optim. 29 (2019), 3100-3130.

  • 426. (with G. Colombo and D. Nguyen) Optimization of a perturbed sweeping process by discontinuous controls, SIAM J. Control Optim. 58 (2020), 2678–2709.

  • 425. (with M. E. Sarabi) Criticality of Lagrange multipliers in variational systems, SIAM J. Optim. 29 (2019), 1524-1557.

  • 424. Variational analysis and optimization of sweeping processes with controlled moving sets, Rev. Invest. 39 (2018), 281-300.

  • 423. (with A. Zaslavski) Preface to the special issue on Variational Analysis and Nondifferentiable Optimization dedicated to S. M. Robinson, Part II, Pure Appl. Func. Anal., 3 (2018), No. 3.

  • 422. (with D. S. Kim, T.-S. Pham and N. V. Tuyen) Existence of efficient and properly efficient solutions to problems of constrained vector optimization, Math. Program. 190 (2021),  259–283.

  • 421. (with N. D. Hoang), Extended Euler-Lagrange and Hamiltonian formalisms in optimal control of sweeping processes with controlled sweeping sets, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 180 (2019), 256-289.

  • 420. (with H. Bauschke, C. Sagastizabal and M. Thera) Preface to the special issue on Variational Analysis, Optimization and their Applications, a tribute to J. M. Borwein, Vol. 2, Set-Valued Var. Anal. 26 (2018).

  • 419. (with T. H. Cao) Applications of optimal control of a nonconvex sweeping process to optimization of the planar crowd motion model, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 24 (2019), 4191-4216.

  • 418. (with A. Soubeyran) Variational analysis and variational rationality in behavioral sciences: stationary traps, Chapter 1 of the book “Variational Analysis and Set Optimization: Developments and Applications in Decision Making (A. Khan, E. Koebis and C. Tammer, eds.), Chapter 1, pp. 1-29, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2019.

  • 417. (with A. Zaslavski) Preface to the special issue on Variational Analysis and Nondifferentiable Optimization dedicated to S. M. Robinson, Part I, Pure Appl. Func. Anal., 3 (2018), No. 2.

  • 416. (with S. Dempe and A. B. Zemkoho) Two-level value function approach to optimistic and pessimistic bilevel programs, Optimization 68 (2019), 433-455.

  • 415. (with H. Bauschke, C. Sagastizabal and M. Thera) Preface to the special issue on Variational Analysis, Optimization and their Applications, a tribute to J. M. Borwein, Vol. 1, Set-Valued Var. Anal. 26 (2018), 1-4.

  • 414. (with I. Lasiecka, S. Reich and A. Zaslavski) Preface to the special issue on Control, Optimization and PDE dedicated to V. Barbu, Pure Appl. Func. Anal. 3 (2018), No. 1.

  • 413. (with H. Gfrerer) Second-order variational analysis of parametric constraint and variational systems, SIAM J. Optim. 29 (2019), 423-453.

  • 412. (with T. H. Cao) Optimal control of a nonconvex perturbed sweeping process, J. Diff. Eqs. 266 (2019), 1003-1050.

  • 411. (with V. Kalashnikov, S. Dempe and S. Kavun), Bilevel optimal control, equilibrium and combinatorial problems with applications to engineering: editorial, Math. Probl. Engin. Volume 2017, Article ID 7190763 (2017).

  • 410. (with T. T. A. Nghia and D. T. Pham) Full stability of general parametric variational systems, Set-Valued Var. Anal. 26 (2018), 911-946.

  • 409. (with N. T. V. Hang and M. E. Sarabi) Second-order variational analysis in second-order cone programming, Math. Program. 180 (2020), 75-116.

  • 408. (with R. Gupta, F. Jafari and R. J. Kipka) Linear openness and feedback stabilization of nonlinear control systems, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Syst. Ser S, 11 (2018), 1103-1119.

  • 407. (with V. I. Maksimov) Feedback design of differential equations of reconstruction for second-order distributed systems, Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci. 27 (2017), 467-475.

  • 406. (with C. Tammer et al.) Preface to the special issue dedicated to Franco Giannessi and Diethard Pallaschke, Optimization 66 (2017), 1-2.

  • 405. (with V. I. Maksimov) Preface the special issue “Mathematical Methods of Optimization and Control of Large-Scale Systems,” Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci. 27 (2017).

  • 404. (with Y. Nesterov) Preface to the special issue “Optimization, Control and Applications,” J. Optim. Theory Appl. 172 (2017), 349-350.

  • 403. (with N. M. Nam, B. Rector and T. Tran) Variational geometric approach to generalized differential and conjugate calculus in convex analysis, Set-Valued Var. Anal. 25 (2017), 731-755.

  • 402. (with M. E. Sarabi) Critical multipliers in variational systems via second-order generalized differentiation, Math. Program. 169 (2018), 605-648.

  • 401. Book review on “Optimization in Its Applications in Control and Data Science: In Honor of Boris Polyak,” Optim. Lett. 11 (2017), 241-245.

  • 400. (with C. Tammer, etc.) Laudatio for Rosalind Elster dedicated to her 70th birthday, Optimization 66 (2017), 471.

  • 399. (with N. M. Nam) Extremality of convex sets with some applications, Optim. Lett. 17 (2017), 1201-1215.

  • 398. (with A. J. Zaslavski) Preface to the special issue on Recent Advances in Optimal Control, Part II, Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 4 (2016).

  • 397. My friend Jon Borwein; http://jonborwein.org/2016/08/my-friend-jon-borwein/

  • 396. (with H. Gfrerer) Robinson regularity of parametric constraint systems via variational analysis, SIAM J. Optim. 27 (2017), 438-465.

  • 395. (with T. H. Cao) Optimality conditions for a controlled sweeping process with applications to the crowd motion model, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 22 (2017), 267-306.

  • 394. (with M. E. Sarabi) Stability analysis for composite optimization problems and parametric variational systems, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 172 (2017), 554-577.

  • 393. (with T. H. Cao) Optimal control of a perturbed sweeping process via discrete approximations, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 21 (2016), 3331-3358.

  • 392. (with N. Aydin and A. Murat) Sampling-based progressive hedging algorithms in two-stage stochastic programming; http://www.optimization-online.org/DB_HTML/2015/12/5232.html

  • 391. (with G. Li, T. T. A. Nghia and T. C. Pham) Error bounds for parametric polynomial systems with applications to higher-order stability analysis and convergence rates, Math. Program. 168 (2018), 313-346.

  • 390. (with N. Sagara) Subdifferentials of nonconvex integral functionals in Banach spaces with applications to stochastic dynamic programming, J. Convex Anal. 25 (2018), 643-673.

  • 389. (with A. J. Zaslavski) Preface to the special issue on Recent Advances in Optimal Control, Part I, Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 2 (2016).

  • 388. (with N. M. Nam) An Easy Path to Convex Analysis and Applications, Farsi translation, Kharazmi University Press, Tehran, Iran, 2017.

  • 387. (with N. Hadjisavvas and A. Iusem) Generalized Convexity and Monotonicity, Preface to the the special issue of J. Global Optim. 64 (2016), 621-622.

  • 386. (with M. E. Sarabi) Second-order analysis of piecewise linear functions with applications to optimization and stability, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 171 (2016), 504–526.

  • 385. (with M. E. Sarabi) Generalized differentiation of piecewise linear functions in second-order variational analysis, Nonlinear Anal. 132 (2016), 240-273.

  • 384. (with T. T. A. Nghia) Local monotonicity and full stability for parametric variational systems, SIAM J. Optim. 26 (2016), 1032-1059.

  • 383. (with N. M. Nam) Geometric approach to convex subdifferential calculus, Optimization 66 (2017), 839-873.

  • 382. (with G. Colombo, R. Henrion and N. D. Hoang) Optimal control of the sweeping process over polyhedral controlled sets, J. Diff. Eqs. 260 (2016), 3397-3447.

  • 381. (with H. Gfrerer) Complete characterizations of tilt stability in nonlinear programming under weakest qualification conditions, SIAM J. Optim. 25 (2015), 2081-2119.

  • 380. (with N. H. Chieu, G. M. Lee and T. T. A. Nghia) Coderivative characterizations of maximal monotonicity for set-valued mappings, J. Convex Anal. 23 (2016), 461-480.

  • 379. (with S. Reich and A. J. Zaslavski), Preface to Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization (eds.), Contemporary Mathematics Series, Vol.659, pp. 1-2, AMS, 2016.

  • 378. (with M. A. El-Gebeily and M. M. Alshahrani) Optimal control of constrained self-adjoint nonlinear operator equations in Hilbert spaces, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 169 (2016), 735-758.

  • 377. (with N. M. Nam) An Easy Path to Convex Analysis and Applications, Chinese translation, China Science Publishing, Beijing, China, 2015.

  • 376. (with J. V. Outrata and H. Ramirez C.) Graphical derivatives and stability analysis for parameterized equilibria with conic constraints, Set-Valued Var. Anal. 23 (2015), 687-704.

  • 375. Comments on: Critical Lagrange multipliers, TOP 23 (2015), 35-42.

  • 374. (with A. J. Zaslavski) Preface to the special issue on Recent Advances in Optimal Control and Applications, Set-Valued Var. Anal. 23 (2015), 1-2.

  • 373. (with Y. Tian) Implicit Euler approximation and optimization of one-sided Lipschitzian differential inclusions, Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, Contemporary Mathematics Series, Vol.659, pp. 165-188, AMS, 2016.

  • 372. (with W. Ouyang) Higher-order metric subregularity and its applications, J. Global Optim. 63 (2015), 777-795.

  • 371. (with T. T. A. Nghia) Local strong maximal monotonicity and full stability for parametric variational systems, http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.2018

  • 370. (with G. Colombo, R. Henrion and N. D. Hoang) Discrete approximations of a controlled sweeping process, Set-Valued Var. Anal. 23 (2015), 69-86.

  • 369. (with T. Q. Bao and A. Soubeyran) Minimal points, variational principles, and variable preferences in set optimization, J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 16 (2015), 1511-1537.

  • 368. (with T. Q. Bao and A. Soubeyran) Fixed points and variational principles with applications to capability theory of wellbeing via variational rationality, Set-Valued Var. Anal. 23 (2015), 375-398.

  • 367. (with M. E. Sarabi) Variational analysis and full stability of optimal solutions to constrained and minimax problems, Nonlinear Anal. 121 (2015), 36-53.

  • 366. (with N. M. Nam) An Easy Path to Convex Analysis and Applications, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, San Rafael, CA, 2014.

  • 365. (with T. Q. Bao and A. Souberyan) Variational analysis in psychological modeling,  J. Optim. Theory Appl. 164 (2015), 290-315.

  • 364. (with T. T. A. Nghia and R. T. Rockafellar) Full stability in finite-dimensional optimization, Math. Oper. Res. 40 (2015), 226-252.

  • 363. (with J. Chen and J. Zhou) Variational analysis of circular cone programs, Optimization 64 (2015), 113-147.

  • 362. (with N. Fusco and N. Maugeri) Preface to the special issue on Variational Analysis and Applications, Numerical Func. Analysis Optim. 35 (2014), 1120-1122.

  • 361. (with T. Q. Bao and A. Souberyan) Variational principles in behavioral sciences, http://arxiv.org/abs/1311.6017 (2013)

  • 360. (with G.-W. Weber et al.) Preface to the special issue on Recent Advances in Continuous Optimization, Optimization 63 (2014), 90-96.

  • 359. (with J. V. Outrata and M. E. Sarabi) Full stability in second-order cone programming, SIAM J. Optim. 24 (2014), 1581-1613.

  • 358. Comments on: Farkas’ lemma: three decades of generalizations for mathematical optimization, TOP, 22 (2014), 31-37.

  • 357. (with D. Drusvyatskiy and T. T. A. Nghia) Second-order growth, tilt stability, and metric regularity of the subdifferential, J. Convex Anal. 21 (2014), 1165–1192.

  • 356. (with G. Li and T. S. Pham) New error bounds for polynomial systems with applications to Holderian stability in optimization and spectral theory of tensors, Math. Program. 153 (2015), 333-362.

  • 355. (with T. T. A. Nghia) Second-order characterizations of tilt stability with applications to nonlinear programming,  Math. Program. 149 (2015), 83-104.

  • 354. (with T. Q. Bao) Necessary conditions for nondominated solutions in set and vector optimization with variable ordering structures, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 162 (2014), 350-370.

  • 353. (with N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. Soleimani-damaneh) Preface to the special issue on Operations Research and Optimization of the International J. Information Technology Decision Making, 2014

  • 352. (with J.-P. Crouzeix and W. S. Sosa) Preface to the special issue on Variational Analysis, Optimization and Applications, J. Optim. Theory Appl., 159 (2013), 559-561.

  • 351. (with N. Popovici and R.-L. Sheu) Preface to the special issue on Generalized Convexity and Monotonicity, J. Global Optim., 57 (2013), 613-615.

  • 350. (with H. Mohebi and M. Soleimani-damaneh), Preface to the special issue on Operations Research and Optimization, Optimization 62 (2013), 673-674.

  • 349. (with J. V. Outrata and H. Ramirez C.) Second-order variational analysis in conic programming with applications to optimality conditions and stability, SIAM J. Optim. 25 (2015), 76-101.

  • 348. (with T. T. A. Nghia) Full Lipschitzian and Holderian stability in optimization with applications to mathematical programming and optimal control, SIAM J. Optim. 24 (2014), 1344-1381.

  • 347. (with T. Hoheisel, C. Kanzow and H. M. Phan) Erratum: Generalized Newton’s method based on graphical derivatives, Nonlinear Anal. 86 (2013), 157-158.

  • 346. (with N. M. Nam and N. T. Y. Nhi) Partial second-order subdifferentials in variational analysis and optimization, Numer. Func. Anal. Optim. 35 (2014), 1113-1151.

  • 345. (with T. T. A. Nghia) Second-order variational analysis and characterizations of tilt-stable optimal solutions in infinite-dimensional spaces, Nonlinear Anal., 86 (2013), 159-180.

  • 344. (with R. T. Rockafellar and M. E. Sarabi) Characterizations of full stability in constrained optimization, SIAM J. Optim. 23 (2013), 1810-1849.

  • 343. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation, I: Basic Theory (updated reprinting), Springer, 2013.

  • 342. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation, II: Applications (updated reprinting), Springer, 2013.

  • 341. (with T. Q. Bao) Sufficient optimality conditions for global Pareto solutions to multiobjective problems with equilibrium constraints,  J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 15 (2014), 105-127.

  • 340. (with T. T. A. Nghia) Second-order variational analysis and characterizations of tilt-stable optimal solutions in finite and infinite dimensions, http://www.optimization-online.org/DB_HTML/2012/09/3599.html

  • 339. (with S. Al-Homidan and Q. H. Ansari) Preface to the special issue on Positivity in Variational Analysis and Optimization, Positivity 16 (2012), 395-396.

  • 338. (with T. T. A. Nghia) Nonsmooth cone-constrained optimization with applications to semi-infinite programming, Math. Oper. Res. 39 (2014), 301-337.

  • 337. (with T. Q. Bao and D. T. Luc) Preface to the special issue on Optimization and Variational Analysis, Vietnam. J. Math. 40 (2012), 127-130.

  • 336. (with D. Wang) Optimal control of semilinear unbounded evolution inclusions with functional constraints, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 167 (2015), 821-841.

  • 335. (M. A. El-Gebeily and M. M. Alshahrani) Optimal control of self-adjoint nonlinear operator equations in Hilbert spaces, Appl. Anal. 93 (2014), 210-222.

  • 334. (with T. Q. Bao) Sufficient conditions for global weak Pareto solutions in multiobjective optimization, Positivity 16 (2012), 579-602.

  • 333. (with I. Shvartsman) Approximate maximum principle for discrete approximations of optimal control systems with nonsmooth constraints, ESAIM-Contr. Optim. Cal. Var. 19 (2013), 811-827.

  • 332. (with J. V. Outrata) Tilt stability in nonlinear programming under Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification, Kybernetiika 49 (2013), 446-464.

  • 331. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation, II: Applications (Chinese translation), Science Press, Beijing, China, 2014.

  • 330. Second-order generalized differential calculus and optimal control of the sweeping process, Lecture Notes of the Spring School on Variational Analysis, Paseky, Czech Republic, 2012.

  • 329. (with R. T. Rockafellar) Second-order subdifferential calculus with applications to tilt stability in optimization, SIAM J. Optim. 22 (2012), 953-986.

  • 328. (with T. T. A. Nghia) DC optimization approach to metric regularity of convex multifunctions with applications to infinite systems, JOTA 155 (2012), 762-784.

  • 327. (with S. Dempe and A. Zemkoho) Necessary optimality conditions in pessimistic bilevel programming, Optimization 63 (2014), 505-523.

  • 326. (with T. T. A. Nghia) Subdifferentials of nonconvex supremum functions and their applications to semi-infinite and infinite programs with Lipschitzian data, SIAM J. Optim. 23 (2013), 406-431.

  • 325. (with G. Li) Holder metric subregularity with applications to proximal point method, SIAM J. Optim. 22 (2012), 1655-1684.

  • 324. (with N. M. Nam and C. Villalobos) The smallest enclosing ball problem and the smallest intersecting ball problem: existence and uniqueness of solutions, Optim. Letters 7 (2013), 839–853.

  • 323. (with T. Q. Bao) To dual-space theory of set-valued optimization, Viet. J. Math. 40 (2012), 131-163.

  • 322. (with M. M. Alshahrani and M. A. El-Gebeily) Maximum principle in optimal control of singular ordinary differential equation in Hilbert spaces, Dynam. Syst. Appl. 21 (2012), 219–234.

  • 321. (with S. Dempe and A. B. Zemkoho) Sensitivity analysis of two-level value functions with applications to bilevel programming, SIAM J. Optim. 22 (2012), 1309-1343.

  • 320. Variational analysis and optimization: new trends and developments, Proc. 43rd Annual Iranian Math. Conf., pp. 42-44, Tabriz, Iran, 2012.

  • 319. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation, I: Basic Theory (Chinese translation), Science Press, Beijing, China, 2011.

  • 318. (with V. Jeyakumar, G. Y. Li and J. H. Wang) Strong duality and nonsmooth Newton methods for robust best approximation with interpolation constraints under ellipsoidal uncertainty, Nonlinear Anal. 81 (2013), 1-11.

  • 317. (with M. Hintermuller and T. Surowiec) Several approaches for the derivation of stationarity conditions for elliptic MPECs with upper-level control constraints, Math Program. 146 (2014), 555-582.

  • 316. (with E. L. Mitidieri) Variational analysis and its applications, Preface to the special issue of Nonlinear Analysis 75 (2012), 983-984.

  • 315. (with I. Ginchev) Directional subdifferentials and optimality conditions, Positivity 16 (2012), 707-737.

  • 314. (with R. Elster, H. Jongen and C. Tammer) Preface to the special issue of Optimization 60 (2011), 781-782.

  • 313. (with A. Zaslavski), Optimal Control and Applications, Preface to the special issue of Dynamics Contin. Discrete & Impul. Syst, Ser. B. (2012)

  • 312. Beauty of Mathematics, Atti dell’Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Ser. Phys. Math. Nat. Sc. 89 (2011), No. 2.

  • 311. (with Q. J. Zhu) Obituary for Jack Warga, Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 2012.

  • 310. (with K. Malanowski), Obituary for Jack Warga, Control Cybernet. 20 (2011), No. 2.

  • 309. Obituary for Jack Warga, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, December 2011, 176-177.

  • 308. (with N. M. Nam and J. Salinas) Applications of variational analysis to a generalized Heron problem, Appl. Anal. 91((2012), 1915-1942.

  • 307. (with T. T. A. Nghia) Constraint qualifications and optimality conditions in semi-infinite and infinite programming, Math. Program. 139 (2013),  271-300.

  • 306. (with M. J. Canovas, M. A. Lopez and J. Parra) Quantitative stability of linear infinite inequality systems with block perturbations with applications to convex programming, TOP, 20 (2012), 310-327.

  • 305. (with N. Xiu and J. Zhou) Complete characterizations of local weak sharp minima with applications to semi-infinite optimization and complementarity, Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), 1700-1718.

  • 304. (with N. M. Nam and J. Salinas) Solving a generalized Heron problem by means of convex analysis, Amer. Math. Monthly 119 (2012), 87-99; Chinese translation in Mathematics 31 (2012), 222-231.

  • 303. (with I. Shvartsman) Nonsmooth approximate maximum principle in optimal control, to appear in Proc. 50th IEEE Conf. Dec. Control. Orlando, FL, Dec. 2011

  • 302. (with G. Colombo, R. Henrion and D. N. Hoang) Discrete approximations and optimality conditions for optimal control of the sweeping process, Dynamics Contin. Discrete Impulse Syst., Ser. B, 19 (2012), 117-159.

  • 301. (with H. M. Phan) Tangential extremal principle for finite and infinite systems, II: Applications to semi-infinite and multiobjective optimization, Math. Program. 136 (2012), 31-63.

  • 300. (with H. M. Phan) Tangential extremal principle for finite and infinite systems, I: Basic theory, Math. Program. 136 (2012), 3-30.

  • 299. (with N. M. Nam and H. M. Phan) Variational analysis of marginal functions with applications to bilevel programming, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 152 (2012), 557-586.

  • 298. (with H. M. Phan) Rated extremal principle for finite and infinite systems with applications to optimization, Optimization, 60 (2011), 893-924.

  • 297. (with N. M. Nam) Applications of variational analysis to a generalized Fermat-Torricelli problem, J. Optim. Theory Appl., 148 (2011), 431-454.

  • 296. (with D. C. Chang and J. C. Yao) Variational analysis and related topics, Appl. Anal. 90 (2011), 861-864.

  • 295. (with T. Hoheisel, C. Kanzow and H. Phan) Generalized Newton’s method for nonsmooth equations based on graphical derivatives, Research Report #10 (2010), 27 pp.; Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), 1324-1340.

  • 294. (with T. Q. Bao) Extended Pareto optimality in multiobjective problems, Chapter 13 of the book Recent Advances in Vector Optimization (Q. H. Ansari and J.-C. Yao, eds.), pp. 467-516, Springer, Berlin, 2011.

  • 293. (with N. M. Nam) Subgradients of minimal time functions under minimal requirements, Research Report #7 (2010), 32 pp.; J. Convex Anal. 18 (2011), 915-947.

  • 292. Introduction to Variational Analysis, Lecture Notes, CIMPA – UNESCO School on Variational Inequalities and Related Problems, http://www.cimpa-icpam.org, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010.

  • 291. (with A. Habte) Extended second welfare theorem for nonconvex economies with infinite commodities and public goods, Research Report #6 (2010), 27 pp.; Adv. Math. Econ. 14 (2011), 93-126.

  • 290. (with I. Ginchev) On directionally dependent subdifferentials, Research Report #5 (2010), 9 pp.; C. R. Bulg. Acad. Sci., 24 (2011), 497-508.

  • 289. (with J. Pena and V. Roshchina) Applying metric regularity to compute condition measure of smoothing algorithm for matrix games, Research Report #4 (2010), 23 pp.; SIAM J. Optim. 29 (2010), 2199-2227.

  • 288. (with A. Eberhard) First-order and second-order optimality conditions via convolution smoothing, Research Report #3 (2010), 25 pp.; Optimization 60 (2011), 253-276.

  • 287. (with F. J. Aragon Artacho) Enhanced metric regularity and Lipschitzian properties of variational systems, Research Report #2 (2010), 23 pp.; J. Global Optim. 50 (2011), 145-167.

  • 286. Optimal control and feedback design of state-constrained parabolic systems in uncertainty conditions, Research Report #1 (2010), 32 pp.; Appl. Anal. 90 (2011), 1075-1109.

  • 285. (with A. Habte) Versions of the second welfare theorem for direct distribution model, Proc. Neutral, Parallel and Scientif. Computation 4 (2010), 150-154.

  • 284. (with L. Ban and W. Song) Lipschitzian stability of parametric variational inequalities over generalized polyhedra in Banach spaces, Research Report #9 (2010), 33 pp.; Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), 441-461.

  • 283. (with G. Colombo and V. V. Goncharov) Well-posedness of minimal time problem with constant dynamics in Banach spaces, Research Report #12 (2009), 23 pp.; Set-Valued Var. Analysis. 18 (2010), 349-372.

  • 282. (with B. Panicucci, M. Passacantando and M. Pappalardo) Hybrid proximal methods for equilibrium problems, Research Report #11 (2009), 13 pp.; Optim. Letters 6 (2012), 1535-1550.

  • 281. (with T. Q. Bao) Refined necessary conditions in multiobjective optimization with applications to microeconomic modeling, Research Report #10 (2009), 26 pp.; Discr. Cont. Dyn. Syst. 31 (2011), 1069-1096.

  • 280. (with M. Bacak, J. M. Borwein, and A. Eberhard) Infimal convolutions and Lipschitzian properties of subdifferentials for prox-regular functions in Hilbert spaces, Research Report # 8 (2009), 23 pp.; J. Convex Anal. 17 (2010), 732-763.

  • 279. (with M. J. Canovas, M. A. Lopez and J. Parra), Variational analysis in semi-infinite and infinite programming, II:, Research Report # 7 (2009), 25 pp.; SIAM J. Optim.20 (2010), 2788-2806

  • 278. (with N. Dinh and T. T. A. Nghia) Subdifferentials of value functions and optimality conditions for DC and bilevel infinite and semi-infinite programs, Research Report # 5 (2008), 34 pp.; Math. Programming 123 (2010), 301-347.

  • 277. (with T. Q. Bao) Relative Pareto minimizers for multiobjective problems: existence and optimality conditions, Research Report # 11 (2007), 33 pp., Math. Programming, 122 (2010), 101-138.

  • 276. (with M. J. Canovas, M. A. Lopez and J. Parra), Variational analysis in semi-infinite and infinite programming, I: Stability of linear inequality systems of feasible solutions, Research Report # 6 (2009), 26 pp.; SIAM J. Optim. 20 (2009), 1504-1526.

  • 275. (with T. Q. Bao) Set-valued optimization in welfare economics, Research Report # 9 (2009), 30 pp.; Adv. Math. Econ. 13 (2010), 113-153.

  • 274. (with F. J. Aragon Artacho) Metric regularity and Lipschitzian stability of parametric variational systems, Research Report # 5 (2009), 30 pp.; Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 1149-1170.

  • 273. (with N. M. Nam) Limiting subgradients of minimal time functions in Banach spaces, Research Report # 9 (2008), 21 pp., J. Global Optim. 46 (2010), 615-633.

  • 272. (with C. Li, J. Wang and J. C. Yao) Weak sharp minima on Riemannian manifolds, Research Report # 4 (2009), 27 pp.; SIAM J. Optim. 21 (2011), 1523-1560.

  • 271. (with T. D. Chuong and J. C. Yao) Hybrid approximate proximal algorithms for efficient solutions in vector optimization, Research Report # 3 (2009), 30 pp.; J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 90 (2011), 861-864.

  • 270. (with R. Henrion and N. M. Nam) Second-order analysis of polyhedral systems in finite and infinite dimensions with applications to robust stability of variational inequalities, Research Report # 2 (2009), 33 pp., SIAM J. Optim.20 (2010), 2199-2227.

  • 269. (with L. C. Ceng and J. C. Yao) Hybrid approximate proximal methods with auxiliary variational inequality for vector optimization, Research Report #1 (2009), 36 pp.; J. Optim. Theory Appl.146 (2010), 267-303.

  • 268. (with L. Wang), Optimal control of general functional-differential inclusions of neutral type, Proc. 48th Conf. Dec. Control, Shanghai, China, 2009.

  • 267. (with A. Leizarowitz, I. Shafrir and A. Zaslavski, eds.) Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, I: Nonlinear Analysis, Amer. Math. Soc., Ser. Contem. Math. 513, 2010.

  • 266. (with A. Leizarowitz, I. Shafrir and A. Zaslavski, eds.) Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, II: Optimization, Amer. Math. Soc., Ser. Contem. Math. 514, 2010.

  • 265. (with R. Henrion and N. M. Nam) Polyhedral systems in finite and infinite dimensions with applications to robust stability of variational inequalities, Preprint No. 1399, 32 pp., Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastic, Berlin, Germany, 2009.

  • 264. (with N. M. Nam and B. Wang) Metric regularity of mappings and generalized normals to set images, Research Report # 11(2008), 28 pp.; Set-Valued Var. Analysis,, 17 (2009), 359-387.

  • 263. (with D. Wang and L. Wang) Optimization of delay-differential inclusions with infinite-dimensional state spaces, Research Report # 10 (2008), 21 pp., Pacific J. Math. 6 (2010), 353-374.

  • 262. (with D. Wang and L. Wang) Optimal control of delay-differential inclusions with functional endpoint constraints, Nonlinear Analysis 71 (2009), 2740-2749.

  • 261. Optimal control and feedback design of state-constrained parabolic systems under uncertainties, Proc IFAC. Intern. Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, 2009.

  • 260. (with L. Mou) Necessary conditions for nonsmooth optimization problems with operator constraints in metric spaces, Research Report # 7 (2008), 23 pp., J. Convex Anal., 16 (2009), 913-938.

  • 259. (with N. Dinh and T. T. A. Nghia) Qualification and optimality conditions for convex and DC programs with infinite constraints, Research Report # 6 (2008), 29 pp., Acta Math. Vietnamica, 34 (2009), 123-153.

  • 258. Multiobjective optimization problems with equilibrium constraints, Research Report # 10 (2006), 22 pp., Math. Programming 117 (2009), 331-354.

  • 257. (with N. M. Nam and N. D. Yen) Subgradients of marginal functions in parametric mathematical programming, Research Report # 6 (2005), 27 pp.; Math. Programming 116 (2009), 369-396.

  • 256. New applications of variational analysis to optimization and control, Research Report # 4 (2008), 30 pp., Systems Modelling and Optimization, edited by A. Korytowski et al., Springer, 2009, 100-128.

  • 255. (with N. M. Nam) Variational analysis of extended generalized equations via coderivative calculus in Asplund spaces, Research Report # 2 (2008), 23 pp.; J. Math. Anal. Appl., 350 (2009), 663-679.

  • 254. (with T. Q. Bao) Necessary conditions for super minimizers in constrained multiobjective optimization, Research Report # 9 (2007), 20 pp.; J. Global Optim, 43 (2009), 261-283. .

  • 253. (with D. Wang and L. Wang) Optimal control of delay-differential inclusions with multivalued initial conditions in infinite-dimensional spaces, Research Report # 1 (2008), 30 pp.; Control and Cybernetics 38 (2008), 1-36.

  • 252. Optimization and feedback design of state-constrained parabolic systems, Research Report # 8 (2007), 21 pp.; Pacific J. Optim., 4 (2008), 549-570.

  • 251. (with P. L. Chow and G. Yin, eds.) Topics in Stochastic Analysis and Nonparametric Estimation, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications 145, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2008.

  • 250. (with D. Wang and L. Wang) Optimal control of delay-differential inclusions with infinite-dimensional state spaces, Proc. Intern. Conference Controlo2008, Lisbon, Portugal, 2008.

  • 249. (with M. Solodov and M. Todd) Nonsmooth optimization and related topics, Foreword to the Special Issue of Optimization Methods and Software dedicated to the memory of Naum Shor, 23 (2008), pp. 3-5.

  • 248. Variational analysis and its applications to optimization and economics, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Convention of the Operational Research Society of India, University Press, Delhi, India, 2007.

  • 247. (with T. Q. Bao and P. Gupta) Suboptimality conditions for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, Report # 7 (2007), 19 pp.; Taiwanese J. Math. 12 (2008), 2569-2592.

  • 246. (with W. Geremew and N. M. Nam) Coderivative calculus and metric regularity for constraint and variational systems, Research Report # 6 (2007), 31 pp., Nonlinear Analysis. 70 (2009), 529-552.

  • 245. (with N. Q. Huy and J. C. Yao) Coderivatives of frontier and solution maps in parametric multiobjective optimization, Research Report # 8 (2008), 26 pp., Taiwanese J. Math. 12 (2008), 2083-2111.

  • 244. Failure of metric regularity for major classes of variational systems, Research Report # 3 (2008), 11 pp.; Nonlinear Anal. 69 (2008), 918-924.

  • 243. Necessary and sufficient conditions for linear suboptimality in constrained optimization, Research Report # 2 (2006), 23 pp.; J. Global Optim 40 (2008), 225-244.

  • 242. Methods of variational analysis in multiobjective optimization, Research Report # 6 (2006), Optimization 58 (2009), 413-430.

  • 241. Optimal feedback control of constrained parabolic systems in uncertainty conditions, in Optimal Control of Coupled PDE , edited by K. Kunisch et al., Oberwolfach Report #13 (2008), 41-45.

  • 240. (with A. Nemirovski and Yu. Nesterov) Nonsmooth optimization and applications, Foreword to the Special Issue of Mathematical Programming B dedicated to Boris Polyak, 2008.

  • 239. Suboptimal minimax design of constrained parabolic systems with mixed boundary control, Research Report # 3 (2007), 13 pp., Appl. Math Comp, 204 (2008), 580-588.

  • 238. (with S. Dempe and J. Dutta) Variational analysis in bilevel programming, Research Report # 3 (2007), 17 pp., Mathematical Programming and Game Theory for Decision Making (S. K. Neogy et al., eds.), pp. 257-278, World Scientific, London, 2008

  • 237. (with B. Wang), Generalized differentiation of parameter-dependent sets and mappings, Research Report # 14 (2006), 25 pp.; Optimization. 57 (2008), 17-40.

  • 236. Optimization and equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints in infinite-dimensional spaces, Research Report # 3 (2006), 28 pp.; Optimization 57 (2008), 1-27.

  • 235. Characterizations of linear suboptimality for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, Research Report # 7 (2006), 21 pp.; Math. Programming. 120 (2009), 261-283.

  • 234. (with T. Q. Bao) Existence of minimizers and necessary conditions for set-valued optimization with equilibrium constraints, Research Report # 5 (2007), 16 pp., Appl. Math. 52 (2007), 453-472.

  • 233. (with T. Q. Bao) Variational principles for set-valued mappings with applications to multiobjective optimization, Research Report # 2 (2007), 28 pp.; Control. Cybernetics 36 (2007), 531-562.

  • 232. (with T. Donchev and E. Farkhi), Discrete approximations, relaxation, and optimization of one-sided Lipschitzian differential inclusions in Hilbert spaces, Research Report # 1 (2007), 28 pp., J. Diff. Eq. 243 (2007), 301-328.

  • 231. (with S. Dempe and J. Dutta) New necessary optimality conditions in optimistic bilevel programming, Research Report 18 (2006), 27 pp.; Optimization 56 (2007), 577-604.

  • 230. (with T. I. Seidman) Asymmetric games for convolution systems with application to feedback control of parabolic equations, Research Report # 17 (2006), 26 pp., to J. Math. Anal. Appl. 333 (2007), 401-415.

  • 229. Methods of variational analysis in vector optimization, Learning Manual of the Workshop on Optimization and Its Applications, pp. 1-18, University Press, Delhi, India, 2017.

  • 228. Multiobjective optimization via variational analysis, Learning Manual of the Workshop on Optimization and Its Applications, pp. 19-45, University Press, Delhi, India, 2017.

  • 227. Optimization and equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints in infinite-dimensional spaces, Research Report # 3 (2006), 28 pp.; Optimization, 57 (2008), 1-27.

  • 226. Recent advances in variational analysis with applications to optimization and control, Advanced in Computational Optimization and Its Application edited by K. Deb et al., University Press, Delhi, India, 2007.

  • 225. (with T. I. Seidman) Feedback control of constrained parabolic systems in uncertainty conditions via asymmetric games, Research Report # 16 (2006), 15 pp., Applied Analysis and Differential Equations, edited by O. Carja and I. Vrabei, pp. 237-254, World Scientific, 2007.

  • 224. Suboptimal feedback control design of constrained parabolic systems in uncertainty conditions, Research Report # 15 (2006).

  • 223. Optimal control of nonconvex differential inclusions, Research Report # 13 (2006), 16 pp.; Differential Equations, Chaos and Variational Problems, edited by V. Staicu, Series: Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications 75, pp. 285-304, Birkhauser, 2007.

  • 222. (with T. Pennanen) Epi-convergent discretization of the generalized Bolza problem in dynamic optimization, Research Report # 12 (2006), 10 pp.; Optimization Letters 1 (2007), 379-390.

  • 221. (with J. V. Outrata), Coderivative analysis of quasivariational inclusions with applications to stability and optimization, Research Report #11 (2006), 27 pp; SIAM J. Optim. 18 (2007), 389-412.

  • 220. (with T. Q. Bao and P. Gupta), Necessary conditions for multiobjective optimization with equilibrium constraints, Research Report # 9 (2006), 26 pp.; Journal Optimization Theory and Applications 135 (2007), 179-203.

  • 219. Variational analysis in nonsmooth optimization and discrete optimal control, Research Report # 5 (2006), 22 pp., Math. Oper. Res. 32 (2007), 840-856.

  • 218. Variational analysis of evolution inclusions, Research Report # 4 (2006), 23 pp.; SIAM J. Optim. 18 (2007), 752-777.

  • 217. (with J. V. Outrata and M. Cervinka) Equilibrium problems with complementarity constraints: Case study with applications to oligopolistic markets, Research Report # 4 (2005), 16 pp.; Optimization 56 (2007), 479-4.

  • 216. (with I. Shvartsman) Minimax approach to feedback control of distributed-parameter systems, 10 pp. Portuguese Control Conference, 2006.

  • 215. Decentralized convex-type equilibrium in nonconvex models of welfare economics via nonlinear prices, Mathematics Research Reports, pp. 1-32, 2006.

  • 214. (with N. M. Nam and N. D. Yen) Frechet subdifferential calculus and optimality conditions in nondifferentiable programming, Research Report # 5 (2005), 21 pp.; Optimization 55 (2006), 685-708

  • 213. Variational analysis and generalized differentiation; new trends and developments, Proc. 37 Iranian Mathematical Conference, Tabriz, Iran, 2006.

  • 212. (with A. Arsenashvili and T. Tadumadze) Optimal control of neutral variable structure systems with discontinuous initial conditions, Proc. Georgian Math. Congress, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2006.

  • 211. (with M Fabian and P. D. Loewen) Subdifferential calculus in Asplund generated spaces, Research Report # 7 (2005), 16 pp.: J. Math. Anal. Appl. 322 (2006), 787-795

  • 210. Coderivative calculus and robust Lipschitzian stability for variational systems, Research Report # 2 (2005), 24 pp., J. Convex Anal. 13 (2006), 799-822

  • 209. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation. II: Applications, Grundlehren Series (Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Sciences), Vol. 331, 592 pp., Springer, Berlin, 2006.

  • 208. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation. I: Basic Theory, Grundlehren Series (Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Sciences), Vol. 330, 584 pp., Springer, Berlin, 2006.

  • 207. Discrete approximations of differential inclusions in infinite-dimensional spaces, Research Report # 9 (2005), 20 pp.; Intern. J. Appl. Comput. Math. 4 (2005), 147-164.

  • 206. (with I. Shvartsman) On stability of the Pontryagin maximum principle with respect to time discretization, Proc. 44th IEEE Conference Dec. Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005, Seville, Spain.

  • 205. (with I. Shvartsman) On nonsmooth approximate maximum principle, Proc. Intern. Conf. on Control Problems and Applications (Technology, Education, Economy), pp. 7-22, Minsk, Belarus, 2005..

  • 204. Discussion on generalized derivatives and nonsmooth optimization, TOP 13 (2005), No. 2.

  • 203. Nonlinear prices and Pareto optimality in nonconvex economies, Research Report # 1 (2005), 16 pp.

  • 202. (with D. Wang) Optimal control for semilinear evolution inclusions via discrete approximations, Research Report #11 (2004), Control and Cybernetics 34 ( 2005) 849-870.

  • 201. (with N. M. Nam) Variational stability and marginal functions via generalized differentiation, Research Report # 10 (2004), 21 pp; Math. Oper. Res. 30 (2005), 800-816.

  • 200. (with N. M. Nam) Subgradients of distance functions at out-of-set points, Research Report # 9 (2004), 24 pp.; Taiwanese J. Math. 10 (2006), 299-326.

  • 199. Nonlinear prices in nonconvex economic models with classical and strong Pareto optimal allocations, Research Report # 8 (2004), 21 pp.; Positivity 9 (2005), 541-568.

  • 198. Nonsmooth and Variational Analysis, Summer School of the First International Conference on Continuous Optimization, Lecture Notes, http:/www.math.rpi/iccopt.

  • 197. (with N. M. Nam) Subgradients of distance functions with applications to Lipschitzian stability, Research Report # 6 (2004), 33 pp.; Math. Programming, Ser. B, 104 (2005), 635-668.

  • 196. (with L. Wang) Optimal control of delay systems with differential and algebraic dynamic constraints, Research Report # 5 (2004), 29 pp.; ESAIM-COCV 11 (2005), 285-309.

  • 195. (with J.-P. Raymond) Optimal control of hyperbolic equations with pointwise state constraints, 10 pp., Research Report # 4 (2004), Nonlinear Anal. 63 (2005), 823-830.

  • 194. (with B. Wang) Restrictive metric regularity in variational analysis, 6 pp.; Nonlinear Anal. 63 (2005), 805-811.

  • 193. (with L. Wang) Optimal control of nonautonomous functional-differential inclusions of neutral type, 6 pp., Nonlinear Anal. 63 (2005), 840-846.

  • 192. (with D. Wang) Optimal control of semilinear unbounded differential inclusions, 6 pp., Nonlinear Anal. 63 (2005), 847-853.

  • 191. Optimal control of evolution inclusions, Research Report # 3 (2004), 10 pp.; Nonlinear Anal. 63 (2005), 775-784.

  • 190. (with L. Wang) “Optimal control of neutral functional differential inclusions linear in velocities,” Research Report # 2 (2004), 15 pp., TEMA 5 (2004), 1-15.

  • 189. (with D. Wang) “Optimal control of differential inclusions in infinite-dimensional spaces,” Proc. 43rd CDC, December 2004.

  • 188. (with L. Wang) “Discrete approximations and necessary optimality conditions for functional-differential inclusions of neutral type,” Research Report # 1 (2004), 8 pp., Proc. 43rd CDC, December 2004

  • 187. (with I. Shvartsman) “Optimal control and minimax synthesis of constrained parabolic systems under uncertain perturbations, 8pp., Proc. 43rd CDC, December 2004.

  • 186. (with L. Wang) Optimal control of differential-algebraic systems, Proc. 43rd CDC, December 2004.

  • 185. “Sensitivity analysis for generalized variational and hemivariational inequalities,” Research Report # 18 (2003), 10 pp.; Advances in Analysis, edited by H. G. W. Begehr, pp. 305-314., World Scientific, 2005.

  • 184. ”Equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints via multiobjective optimization,” Research Report # 17 (2003), 14 pp.; Optim. Methods & Software 19 (2004), 479-492.

  • 183. (with R.T. Rockafellar) “Variational Analysis and Its Applications,: Preface to a special issue of Set-Valued Analysis 12 (2004), pp.1-4.

  • 182. “Necessary conditions in nonsmooth minimization via lower and upper subgradients,” Research Report # 16 (2003), 27 pp.; Set-Valued Analysis (special issue on Variational Analysis and Its Applications) 12 (2004) , 163-193.

  • 181. (with L. Wang) “Optimal control of delayed differential-algebraic inclusions,” Research Report # 15 (2003), 28 pp.

  • 180. (with I. Shvartsman) “The approximate maximum principle in constrained optimal control,” Research Report # 14 (2003), 31 pp.; SIAM J. Control Optim. 43 (2004), 1037-1062.

  • 179. (with B. Wang) “Generalized differentiation for moving objects,” Research Report # 13 (2003), 11 pp., in Optimal Control, Stabilization and Nonsmooth Analysis (M. de Queiroz, M. Malisoff and P. Wolenski, eds.) , Lecture Notes Control Infor. Sci., Vol. 301, pp. 351-361, Springer, 2004.

  • 178. (with I. Shvartsman) “Optimization and feedback control of constrained parabolic systems,” Research Report # 12 (2003), 12 pp. Optimal Control, Stabilization and Nonsmooth Analysis (M. de Queiroz, M. Malisoff and P. Wolenski., eds.), Lecture Notes Control Infor. Sci., Vol. 301, pp. 121-132, Springer, 2004.

  • 177. “My research on variational analysis”, Optimization Research Bridge, No. 10, June 2003.

  • 176. (with J.-P. Raymond) “Neumann boundary control of hyperbolic systems under pointwise state constraints,” Research Report # 11 (2003), 21 pp.; SIAM J. Control Optim. 43 (2004), 1354-1372.

  • 175. (with J.-P. Raymond) “Dirichlet boundary control of hyperbolic systems in the presence of state constraints,” Research Report # 10 (2003), 17 pp., Applied Math. Optim. 49 (2004), 145—157.

  • 174. “Optimization and equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints,” Research Report # 9 (2003); OMEGA 33 (2005), 379-384.

  • 173. (with L. Wang) “Optimal control of differential-algebraic inclusions,” Research Report #8 (2003), 11 pp.; in Optimal Control, Stabilization and Nonsmooth Analysis (M. de Queiroz, M. Malisoff and P. Wolenski, eds.), Lecture Notes Control Infor. Sci., 301, pp. 73-83, Springer, 2004.

  • 172. “Sensitivity analysis for variational systems,” Research Report #5 (2003), 16 pp.; Variational Analysis and Applications (F. Giannessi and A. Maugeri, eds., pp. 723-743, 2005.

  • 171. “Subdifferential and superdifferential optimality conditions in nonsmooth minimization,” Research Report #4 (2003), 26 pp.

  • 170. “Pareto optimal allocations in nonconvex models of welfare economics,” Research Report #3 (2003), 23 pp.

  • 169. (with L. Wang) “Optimal control of neutral functional-differential inclusions,” Research Report #1 (2003), 28 pp.; SIAM J. Control Optim. 43 (2004), 111-136.

  • 168. (with B. Wang) ”Restrictive metric regularity and generalized differential calculus in Banach spaces,” Research Report #15 (2002), 29 pp.; Inter. J. Maths. Math. Sci. 50 (2004), 2650-2683.

  • 167. “Lipschitzian stability of parametric constraint systems in infinite dimensions,” Research Report #14 (2002), 20 pp.; Generalized Convexity, Generalized Monotonicity and Applications (A. Eberhard et al., eds.), Series: Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications 77, pp. 39-59, Springer. Berlin, 2005.

  • 166. (with L. Wang) “Optimal control for constrained delay-differential inclusions with multivalued initial conditions,” Research Report #13 (2002), 25 pp; Control and Cybernetics, 32 (2003), No. 3, pp. 585–610.

  • 165. (with J.S. Treiman and Q.J. Zhu) “An extended extremal principle with applications to multiobjective optimization,” Research Report #12 (2002), 21 pp.; SIAM J. Optim. 14 (2003), 359–379.

  • 164. (with A. B. Levy) “Coderivatives in parametric optimization,” Research Report # 11 (2002), 15 pp., Math. Programming Ser. A, Vol. 99 (2004), 311-327.

  • 163. “Coderivative analysis of variational systems,” Research Report # 10 (2002), 15 pp.; J. Global Optim. 28 (2004), 347–362.

  • 162. (with B. Wang) “Necessary optimality and suboptimality conditions for nonsmooth problems,” Research Report # 4 (2002), 8 pp.; Proc. 41st IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 2002; pp. 2317-2321.

  • 161. (with B. Wang) “Normal compactness conditions in variational analysis,” Proc. 41st IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 2002, pp. 3539-3544.

  • 160. (with L. Wang) “Optimal control of hereditary differential inclusions,” Proc. 41st IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 2002, pp. 1107-1112.

  • 159. (with I. Shvartsman) “The approximate maximum principle in constrained control problems,” Proc. 41st IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 2002, pp. 4345-4350.

  • 158. (with B. Wang) “Calculus of sequential normal compactness in variational analysis,” Research Report # 3 (2002), 21 pp., Dept. of Math., Wayne State University; J. Math. Anal. Appl. 282 (2003), 63-84.

  • 157. (with B. Wang) “Extensions of generalized differential calculus in Asplund spaces, ” Research Report # 1 (2002), 20 pp., Dept. of Math., Wayne State University; J. Math. Anal. Appl. 272 (2002), 164-186.

  • 156. (with I. Shvartsman) “Discrete maximum principle for nonsmooth optimal control problems with delays,” Research Report # 12 (2001), 15 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; Cybernert. Systems Anal., 38 (2002), 255-264.

  • 155. (with M. Fabian) “Separable reduction and extremal principles in variational analysis,” Research Report 21 (1998), 27 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; Nonlinear Anal. Theory Methods Appl. 49 (2002) , 265-292

  • 154. “Calculus of second-order subdifferentials in infinite dimensions,” Research Report # 11 (2001), 17 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; Control and Cybernetics 31 (2002), No. 3, 558-573.

  • 153. (with M. Fabian) “Sequential normal compactness versus topological normal compactness in variational analysis,” Research Report # 10 (2001), 14 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; Nonlinear Anal. 54 (2003), 1057–1067

  • 152. ”Discrete approximations and necessary optimality conditions for nonsmooth and nonconvex control problems,” Research Report # 8 (2001), 11pp., Dept. of Math., Wayne State University; Proc. of the Inst. of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Vol. 7 (2001), 114-1243

  • 151. (with B. Wang) “Differentiability and regularity of Lipschitzian mappings,” Research Report 3 (2001), 12 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), 389-399.

  • 150. (with B. Wang) “Sequential normal compactness in variational analysis,” Research Report 8 (2000), 12 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; Nonlinear Anal. 47 (2001), 717-728

  • 149. (with J.V. Outrata) “On second-order subdifferentials and their applications,” Research Report 7 (2000), 30 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; SIAM J. on Optimization 12 (2001), 139-169.

  • 148. (with B. Wang) “Necessary suboptimality and optimality conditions via variational principles,” Research Report 4 (2000), 23 pp., Dept. of Math., Wayne State University; SIAM J. Control Optim. 41 (2002), 623–640.

  • 147. (with G.G. Malcolm) “Pareto optimality in nonconvex economies with infinite-dimensional commodity spaces,” Research Report 3 (2000), 21 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; J. of Global Optimization, Special Issue on Math. Economics 20 (2001), 323-346.

  • 146. (with G.G. Malcolm) “The extremal principle and Pareto optimality in nonconvex economies,” Research Report 1 (2000), 34 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University.

  • 145. “The extremal principle and its applications to optimization and economics,” Research Report 8 (1999), 26 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; Optimization and Related Topics (A.M. Rubinov a B.M Glover, eds.), Applied Optimization 47, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp. 343-369.

  • 144. (with B. Wang) “On variational chacterizations of Asplund spaces,” Research Report 7 (1999), 11 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University, to appear in Experimental, Constructive and Nonlinear Analysis (M. Thera, ed.; in honor of J.M. Borwein), Canad. Math. Soc. Conf. Proceed. 27 (2000), 245-254.

  • 143. “An abstract extremal principle with applications to welfare economics,” Research Report 2 (2000), 24 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State Univ.; J. Math. Anal. Appl. 251 (2000), 187-216.

  • 142. (with R. Trubnik) “Stability of discrete approximations and necessary optimality conditions for delay-differential inclusions,” Research Report 5 (1999), 21 pp., Annals Oper. Res. 100 (2001), 149-170.

  • 141. (with R. Trubnik), “Optimal control of delay-differential inclusions,” Research Report 4 (1999), 11 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; Proc. 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix, AZ , December 1999 , pp.442-447.

  • 140. (with Y. Shao and Q. J. Zhu) “Viscosity coderivatives and their limiting behavior in smooth Banach spaces,” Research Report 1 (1999), 39 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; Positivity 4 (2000), 1-39.

  • 139. “Optimal control of difference, differential and differential-difference inclusions,” Research Report 23 (1998), 28 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; J. Math. Sci. 100 (2000), 2613-2632

  • 138. (with J.M. Borwein and Y. Lucet), “Compactly epi-Lipschitzian convex sets and functions in normed spaces,” Research Report 22 (1998), 21 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; J. Convex Analysis.7 (2000), 375-394.

  • 137. “Optimal control of nonconvex discrete and differential inclusions”, Aportaciones Matematicas 24 (1999), pp. 175-196.

  • 136. “Existence theorems in nonconvex optimal control,” Research Report 19 (1998), Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University, 18 pp.; Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control (A. Ioffe, S. Reich, and I. Shafrir, eds.), CRC Research Notes in Mathematics Series, Vol. 410, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 1999, pp. 173-197.135. (with M. Fabian) “Separable reduction and supporting properties of Frechet-like normals in Banach spaces,” Research Report 16 (1998), 23 pp.; Canad. J. Math. 51 (1999), 26-48.

  • 134. “Minimax design of constrained parabolic systems,” Research Report 20 (1998), 9 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; Control of Distributed Parameter and Stochastic Systems (C. Chen et al., eds), Kluwer Acad. Publishers, 1999, pp. 111-118.

  • 133. “On variational analysis in infinite dimensions,” Research Report 33 (1997), 9 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; System Modelling and Optimization (M. Polis et al., eds.), Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 1999, pp.189-197.

  • 132. “Optimal control of discrete, differential, and delay-differential inclusions,” Surveys in Modern Mathematics and Its Applications, vol. 61: Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization, pp. 33-65, VINITI, Moscow, 1999 (Russian).

  • 131. (with J.M. Borwein and Y. Shao) “On the equivalence of some basic principles in variational analysis,” Research Report 34 (1997), 27 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; J. Math. Anal. Appl. 229 (1999), 228-257.

  • 130. (with K. Zhang) “Robust suboptimal control of constrained parabolic systems under uncertainty conditions”, Dynamics and Control (A. Kryazhimskii, G. Leitmann, and F. E. Udwadia, eds.), Stability and Control: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 9 (1999), pp. 81-92, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.

  • 129. (with K. Zhang) “H-Infinity optimal control of time-varying systems with L2-bounded state constraints,” Research Report 14 (1998), 23 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; Proc. 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, FL, 1998, 3795-3800.

  • 128. (with M. Fabian), “Nonsmooth characterizations of Asplund spaces and smooth variational principles,” Research Report 38 (1997), 26 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; Set-Valued Anal. 6 (1998). 381-406.

  • 127. (with Y. Shao and Q. J. Zhu) “Viscosity coderivatives and their limiting behavior in bornological Banach spaces,” Research Report 18 (1998), 38 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University.

  • 126. (with Y. Shao) “Mixed coderivatives of set-valued mappings in variational analysis,” Research Report 17 (1998), 23 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University; J. Applied Anal. 4 (1998), 269-294.

  • 125. (with K. Zhang) “H-Infinity optimal control of time-varying systems with integral state constraints,” Optimal Control: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, (W. W. Hager and P. M. Pardalos, eds.), pp. 369-387, Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998.

  • 124. (with K. Zhang) “Dirichlet boundary control of parabolic systems with pointwise state constraints,” Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems (W. Desch, F. Kappel and K. Kunisch, eds.), International Series of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 126, pp. 223-236, Birkhauser, Basel, 1998.

  • 123. (with Y. Shao) “Coderivatives of set-valued mappings in variational analysis,” Research Report 35 (1997), 26 pp., Dept. of Mathematics, Wayne State University.

  • 122. (with K. Zhang) “Optimal control of state-constrained parabolic systems with nonregular Dirichlet boundary conditions,” Proc. 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 527-528, San Diego, CA, December 1997.

  • 121. “Coderivatives of set-valued mappings: calculus and applications,” Nonlinear Anal. Theory Methods Appl. 30 (1997), 3059-3070.

  • 120. (with K. Zhang) “Minimax control of parabolic systems with Dirichlet boundary conditions and state constraints”, Applied Math. Optim. 36 (1997), 323-360.

  • 119. (with Y. Shao) “Fuzzy calculus for coderivatives of multifunctions”, Nonlinear Anal. Theory Methods Appl. 29 (1997), 605-626.

  • 118. “Optimal control of nonconvex differential inclusions,” IIASA, WP-97-030, 18 pp., June 1997.

  • 117. (with Y. Shao) “Stability of set-valued mappings in infinite dimensions: point criteria and applications”, SIAM J. Control Optim., 35 (1997), 285-314.

  • 116. (with K. Zhang) “Feedback control of uncertain parabolic systems with hard constraints,” Proc. 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2602-2607, Kobe, Japan, December 1996.

  • 115. (with K. Zhang) “Feedback control design of constrained parabolic systems in uncertainty conditions,” Proc. 13th World IFAC Congress, Vol. D, pp. 225-230, San Francisco, CA, July 1996.

  • 114. (with K. Zhang) “Robust control of constrained parabolic systems with Neumann boundary conditions,” IIASA, WP-96-88, 12 pp., July 1996.

  • 113. (with Y. Shao) “Nonconvex differential calculus for infinite dimensional multifunctions”, Set-Valued Analysis 4 (1996), 205-236.

  • 112. (with Y. Shao) “Nonsmooth sequential analysis in Asplund spaces”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 348 (1996), 1235-1280.

  • 111. (with Y. Shao) “Extremal characterizations of Asplund spaces”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996), 197-205.

  • 110. (with H. J. Sussmann, eds.) Nonsmooth Analysis and Geometric Methods in Deterministic Optimal Control, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications 78, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996.

  • 109. “Generalized differentiation and stability of solution maps to parametric variational systems”, Proc. 1st World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts (V. Lakshminkantham, ed.), vol. 3, pp. 2311-2323, W. de Gruyter Publ., Berlin, 1996.

  • 108. “Optimization and finite difference approximations of nonconvex differential inclusions with free time”, Nonsmooth Analysis and Geometric Methods in Deterministic Optimal Control (B. S. Mordukhovich and H. J. Sussmann, eds.), pp. 153-202, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996.

  • 107. (with K. Zhang) “Suboptimality and stability analysis for feedback boundary control of heat-diffusion equations”, Proc. 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, December 1995, pp. 928-929.

  • 106. (with K. Zhang) “Feedback boundary control of constrained parabolic equations in uncertainty conditions”, Proc. 3rd European Control Conference-ECC95, September 1995, Rome, Italy (A. Isidori et al., eds.), Vol. 1, pp. 129-134.

  • 105. (with K. Zhang) “Minimax control of constrained parabolic systems”, IIASA, WP-95-70, 32 pp., July 1995.

  • 104. (with Y. Shao) “On nonconvex subdifferential calculus in Banach spaces”, J. of Convex Analysis 2 (1995), 211-228.

  • 103. (with Y. Shao) “Differential characterizations of covering, metric regularity, and Lipschitzian properties of multifunctions between Banach spaces”, Nonlinear Anal. Theory Methods Appl. 25 (1995), 1401-1424.

  • 102. “Discrete approximations and refined Euler-Lagrange conditions for nonconvex differential inclusions”, SIAM J. Control Optim. 33 (1995), 882-915.

  • 101. (with K. Zhang) “Feedback control for state-constrained heat equations with uncertain disturbances”, Proc. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 1994, 1774-1775.

  • 100. (with K. Zhang) “Bang-bang principle for state-constrained parabolic systems with Dirichlet boundary controls”, Proc. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 1994, 3418-3423.

  • 99. “Discrete approximations of nonconvex differential inclusions”, Proc. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 1994, 933-938.

  • 98. “Necessary optimality and controllability conditions for nonsmooth control systems”, Proc. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 1994, 3992-3997.

  • 97. “Sensitivity analysis for parametric constraint and variational systems by means of set-valued differentiation”, Optimization 31 (1994), 13-46.

  • 96. (with K. Zhang) “Approximation results for robust control of heat-diffusion equations”, Proc. 1994 Amer. Control Conference, June 1994, 2648-2649.

  • 95. (with K. Zhang) “Minimax boundary control problems for parabolic systems with state constraints”, Proc. 1994 Amer. Control Conference, June 1994, 3085-3089.

  • 94. (with K. Zhang) “Existence, approximations, and necessary suboptimality conditions for minimax control of heat transfer systems with state constraints,” Optimal Control of Differential Equations (N. H. Pavel, ed.), Marcel Dekker Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 160 (1994), 251-270.

  • 93. “Stability theory for parametric generalized equations and variational inequalities via nonsmooth analysis”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 343 (1994), 609-658.

  • 92. “Generalized differential calculus for nonsmooth and set-valued mappings”, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 183 (1994), 250-288.

  • 91. “Lipschitzian stability of constraint systems and generalized equations”, Nonlinear Anal. Theory Methods Appl. 22 (1994), 173-206.

  • 90. (with K. Zhang) “Robust optimal control for a class of distributed parameter systems”, Proc. 1993 Amer. Control Conference, Vol. 1, 1993, 466-467.

  • 89. “Stability of parametric variational systems via nonsmooth analysis”, in 16th IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, Part I, Compiegne, France, 1993, 71-74.

  • 88. “Complete characterization of openness, metric regularity, and Lipschitzian properties of multifunctions”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 340 (1993), 1-35.

  • 87. “Sensitivity analysis in nonsmooth optimization”, in Theoretical Aspects of Industrial Design (D.A. Field and V. Komkov, eds.), SIAM Proc. in Applied Mathematics 58, pp. 32-42, SIAM Publications, Philadelphia, PA, 1992.

  • 86. “On variational analysis of differential inclusions”, in Optimization and Nonlinear Analysis (A. Ioffe, M. Marcus, and S. Reich, eds.), Pitman Res. Notes Math. Series 244, pp. 199-214, Longman, Harlow, Essex, 1992.

  • 85. “Optimization of differential inclusions via finite differences”, in Proc. 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Vol. 1, Brighton, England, 1991, 257-262.

  • 84. “On stability and sensitivity analysis in nonsmooth optimization”, in the 15th IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, Part I, Zurich, Switzerland, 1991, 56-59.

  • 83. “Controllability, observability, and optimality in hereditary systems of neutral type”, in Proc. 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Vol. 6, Honolulu, HI, 1990, 2960-2965.

  • 82. “Maximum principle for nonconvex finite difference control systems”, in Analysis and Optimization of Systems (A. Bensoussan and J.P. Lions, eds.), Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sc. 144 (1990), 539-548.

  • 81. “Minimax design of a class of distributed parameter systems”, Avtom. Telemekh., No. 10, 1989, 39-48. (Russian; English transl. in Autom. Remote Control 50 (1990), 1333-1340).

  • 80. “Necessary optimality conditions in control problems with a varying time interval”, Differen. Uravn. 25 (1989), 424-434. (Russian; English transl. in Diff. Equations 25 (1989), 290-299)

  • 79. “Optimization of discrete control systems”, in Actual. Zad. Teor. Dinam. Sist. (R. Gabasov et al., eds), Nauka i Tekh., Minsk, 1989, 154-165. (Russian)

  • 78. “Optimization and approximation of differential inclusions”, Kibernetika, No. 6, 1988, 83-89. (Russian; English transl. in Cybernetics 24 (1988), 781-788)

  • 77. Approximation Methods in Problems of Optimization and Control, Nauka, Main Physical and Mathematical Editions, Moscow, 1988, 360 pp. (Russian)

  • 76. “Method of stabilization of the groundwater level”, USSR certificate (patent), No. 139570, MKI E02 B 11/00. Published in Bull. Inventions and Discoveries, No. 18, Moscow, 1988, p. 120.

  • 75. (with A.Y. Kruger) “Generalized differentials and necessary conditions for an extremum in nonsmooth optimization problems”, in Met. Optim. Econ. Mat. Model. (E.G. Golshtein. ed.), TZEMI, Moscow, 1988, 134-157. (Russian)

  • 74. “Approximate maximum principle in finite difference control systems”, Zh. Vych. Mat. Mat. Fiz., No. 2, 1988, 163-177. (Russian; English transl. in USSR J. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys. 28 (1988), 106-114)

  • 73. (with M.A. Dubov) “On controllability of infinite dimensional linear stochastic systems, in Stochastic Control (N.K. Sihna and L.A. Telksnys, eds.), No. 2, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1987, 307-310.

  • 72. Approximation Methods in Nonsmooth Optimization and Control Problems with their Applications, D.Sc. dissertation, Institute of Cybernetics, Ukranian Academy of Science, Kiev, 1987, 301 pp.

  • 71. “Automatic control methods for the groundwater regime on the engineering hydroreclamation systems”, in Upravl. Vodn. Rezh. Melior. Zem., BelNII Melior., Minsk, 1987, 196-203. (Russian)

  • 70. “Approximation methods and optimality conditions in nonconvex control systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 295 (1987), 1064-1067. (Russian; English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 36 (1988), 164-168)

  • 69. (with E.N. Shkutov) “Identification and experimental verification of an optimal control model for the groungwater regime”, in Osush. Uvlazh. Sist., BelNII Melior., Minsk, 1986, 41-51. (Russian)

  • 68. “Approximation methods and optimality conditions in nonsmooth control systems”, in the 10th USSR Meeting on Control Problems, No. 1, Alma Ata, 1986, 157-160. (Russian)

  • 67. “On the theory of difference approximation for optimal control problems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 30 (1986), 1064-1067. (Russian; English summary)

  • 66. (with S.B. Gorelik) “Legendre-Klebsh and Kelley type conditions in nonlinear neutral systems with applications to existence theorems in optimal control”, Depon. VINITI, No. 4057-85, Moscow, 1985, 47 pp. (Russian; summary in Izvest. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat. Nauk, No. 5, 1986, p. 119)

  • 65. “Method of stabilization of the groundwater level in engineering hydroreclamation systems, USSR certificate (patent) No. 1170038, MKI E02 B 11/00. Published in Bull. Inventions and Discoveries, No. 28, Moscow, 1985, p. 100.

  • 64. (with S.B. Gorelik) “Higher order necessary optimality conditions in hereditary systems of neutral type”, Depon. VINITI, No. 1154-85, Moscow, 1985, 51 pp. (Russian; summary in Izvest. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat Nauk, No. 6, 1985, 111-112)

  • 63. “On the theory of computation and design of automatized two-way engineering hydroreclamation systems”, in Konstr. Met. Rasch. Melir. Sist., BelNII Melior., Minsk, 1985, 47-53. (Russian)

  • 62. “On the theory of numerical methods for solving optimal control problems”, in Numerical Methods and Applications, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, 1985, 442-450.

  • 61. “On necessary conditions for an extremum in nonsmooth optimization”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 283 (1985), 816-822. (Russian; English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 32 (1985), 215-220)

  • 60. “Necessary optimality conditions for singular controls in the class of measurable functions”, Izvest. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat. Nauk, No. 5, 1985, 32-39. (Russian; English summary)

  • 59. “Optimal control of the groundwater regime on two-way engineering reclamation systems”, Vodn. Resursy, No. 3, 1985, 59-70. (Russian; English transl. in Water Resource 12 (1986), 244-253).

  • 58. (with A.M. Sasonkin) “Duality and optimality conditions in control problems for functional differential systems of neutral type”, Differen. Uravn .21 (1985), 788-798. (Russian; English transl. in Diff. Equations 21 (1985), 532-540)

  • 57. (with P.V. Gaishun) “Necessary optimality conditions for minimax control problems with constraints”, Izvest. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat. Nauk, No. 1, 1985, 18-25. (Russian; English summary)

  • 56. “Nonsmooth analysis with nonconvex generalized differentials and adjoint maps”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 28 (1984), 976-979. (Russian; English summary)

  • 55. (with V.P. Selchonok), “Recommendations on control and design of automatized hydroreclamation systems”, BelNII Melior., Minsk, 1984, 40 pp. (Russian)

  • 54. “A new control algorithm for the groundwater regime”, in Vopr. Proek. Ekspl. Melior. Sist., BelNII Melior., Minsk, 1984, 56-66. (Russian)

  • 53. “Duality theory in systems with aftereffect”, Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 48 (1984), 622-631. (Russian; English transl. in J. Appl. Math. Mech. 48 (1984), 440-447)

  • 52. “Controllability, observability, and duality in dynamical systems with aftereffect”, Avtom. Telemekh., No. 8, 1984, 68-77. (Russian; English transl. in Automat. Remote Control 45 (1984), 1019-1027)

  • 51. (with P.V. Gaishun) “Necessary optimality conditions in minimax terminal control problems with varying time and nonsmooth constraints”, Depon. VINITI, Moscow, 1983, 48 pp. (Russian; summary in Isvest. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat. Nauk, No. 6, 1983, 103-104)

  • 50. (with P.V. Gaishun) “Minimax optimal control problems with varying time and constraints on trajectories of nonsmooth systems”, Inst. Mat. Akad. Nauk BSSR, No. 13/17, Minsk, 1983, 31 pp. (Russian)

  • 49. “Optimal control and parametric design of the two-way engineering reclamation systems”, in Proc. Internat. Symposium on Optimiz. Water Resources, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Varna, 1983, 262-271.

  • 48. “On the duality principle in the controllability and observability theory for functional differential equations of neutral type”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 27 (1983), 110-113. (Russian; English summary)

  • 47. (with R. Gabasov and F.M. Kirillova) “The epsilon-maximum principle for suboptimal controls”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 268 (1983), 525-529. (Russian; English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 27 (1983), 95-99)

  • 46. (with A.L. Dontchev) “Relaxation and well-posedness of nonlinear optimal processes, Syst. Contr. Lett. 3 (1983), 177-179.

  • 45. “Necessary optimality conditions for measurable singular regimes and existence theorems of optimal controls”, Depon. VINITI, No. 1321-82, Moscow, 1982, 85 pp. (Russian; summary in Izvest. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat. Nauk, No. 6, 1982, 117-118)

  • 44. “Duality in control and observation problems for hereditary systems”, C. R. Acad. Bulgare. Sci. 35 (1982), 1643-1646.

  • 43. (with V.P. Selchonok) “Algorithms, parametres, and stability of automatized hydroreclamation systems”, in Nov. Konstr. Melior. Sist., Minsk, 1982, 14-27. (Russian)

  • 42. “Approximate controllability of linear retarded systems with constraints and dual problems od ideal observability”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR26 (1982), 201-204. (Russian; English summary)

  • 41. “Extremality and duality in the controllability theory for linear retarded systems”, in Proc. 2nd Conference on Functional Differential Equations and Related Topics, Polish Academy of Science, Zielona Gora, 1981, 244-250.

  • 40. (with V.P. Selchonok) “Optimal stabilization of groundwater levels in automatized hydroreclamatio systems”, Nauch. Osnov. Proect. Stroit. Gidromelior. Sist. 1 (1981), 12-24. (Russian)

  • 39. “Penalty functions and necessary optimality conditions for nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization problems”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 36 (1981), 215-216. (Russian; English transl. in Russian Math. Surv. 36 (1981), 242-243)

  • 38. (with A.M. Sasonkin) “Duality in optimal control problems for neutral type systems with applications to controllability and observability. Part II”, Depon. VINITI, No. 5267-80, Moscow, 1980, 35 pp. (Russian; summary in Izvest. Akad Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat. Nauk, No. 3, 1981, 122)

  • 37. (with A.M. Sasonkin) “Duality in optimal control problems for neutral type systems with applications to controllability and observability. Part I”, Depon. VINITI, No. 5266-80, Moscow, 1980, 40 pp. (Russian; summary in Izvest. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat. Nauk, No. 3, 1981, 121)

  • 36. “Stability and discrete approximations of optimal control systems”, in the 8th USSR Meeting on Control Problems, Tallin, 1980, 94-96.

  • 35. (with V.P. Selchonok) “Computation of control algorithms for the groundwater regime and parameters of hydroreclamation systems”, Trudy BelNII Melior. Vodn. Khoz. 28 (1980), 229-240. (Russian)

  • 34. (with A.Y. Kruger) “Generalized normals and derivatives, and necessary optimality conditions in nondifferentiable programming. Part II”, Depon. VINITI, No. 497-80, Moscow, 1980, 60 pp. (Russian; summary in Vestnik Beloruss. Univ. Ser. I, No. 2, 1980, 72)

  • 33. (with A.Y. Kruger) “Generalized normals and derivatives, and necessary optimality conditions in nondifferentiable programming. Part I”, Depon. VINITI, No. 408-80, Moscow, 1980, 50 pp. (Russian; summary in Vestnik Beloruss. Univ. Ser. I No. 2, 1980, 72)

  • 32. “A variational approach to controllability and observability of linear dynamical systems”, C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. 33 (1980), 1325-1328.

  • 31. “Some properties of multivalued mappings and differential inclusions with applications to existence theorems in optimal control”, Depon. VINITI, No. 3268-80, Moscow, 1980, 39 pp. (Russian; summary in Izvest. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat. Nauk, No. 4, 1981, 134)

  • 30. “Necessary optimality conditions for discrete and differential inclusions”, in International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Operations Research, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, 1980, 70-71.

  • 29. (with V.I. Savikovsky) “Controllability of linear systems in a class of unbounded impulse actions”, Izvest. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat. Nauk, No. 5, 1980, 34-41. (Russian; English summary)

  • 28. (with A.Y. Kruger) “Extremal points and the Euler equation in nonsmooth optimization”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 24 (1980), 684-687. (Russian; English summary)

  • 27. (with V.M. Raketsky) “Necessary optimality conditions of the maximum principle type in discrete approximations of nonconvex optimal control systems with state constraints”, Depon. VINITI, No. 791-79, Moscow, 1979, 38 pp. (Russian; summary in Vestnik Beloruss. Univ. Ser. I, No. 3, 1980, 72-73)

  • 26. (with A.Y. Kruger) “New necessary optimality conditions in nondifferentiable programming”, in Numerical Methods in Nonlinear Programming, Kharkov Univ. Press, 1979, 116-119. (Russian)

  • 25. (with S.B. Gorelik) “Necessary optimality conditions for singular controls and existence theorems in optimization problems for dynamical systems with delay in state”, Depon. VINITI, No. 4324-79, Moscow, 1979, 47 pp. (Russian; summary in Izvest. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat. Nauk, No. 5, 1980, 129)

  • 24. “Metric approximations and necessary optimality conditions for general classes of nonsmooth extremal problems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 254 (1980), 1072-1076. (Russian; English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 22 (1980), 526-530)

  • 23. (with V.P. Selchonok) “Optimal neutralization of rain and evaporation in automatized hydroreclamation systems”, Konstr. Rastch. Osush. Uvlazh. Sist. 4 (1979), 6-15. (Russian)

  • 22. (with V.P. Selchonok) “Computation of the time-optimal control for the groundwater regime in automatized hydroreclamation systems”, Kostr. Rastch. Osush. Uvlazh. Sist. 3 (1978), 12-18. (Russian) 2

  • 21. (with V.M. Zubetz and V.P. Selchonok) “Automatic control of the water regime in hydroreclamation systems”, Trudy BelNII Melior. Vodn. Khoz. 26 (1978), 3-10. (Russian)

  • 20. (with A.M. Sasonkin) “On the duality theory in control systems”, Differen. Uravn. 14 (1978), 1371-1380. (Russian; English transl. in Diff. Equations 14 (1978), 975-981)

  • 19. “Value convergence of discrete approximations for a class of optimal control problems”, Izvest. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauk, No. 3, 1978, 46-51. (Russian; English summary)

  • 18. (with M.A. Dubov) “On the controllability theory for linear stochastic systems”, Differen Uravn. 14 (1978), 2265-2268. (Russian; English transl. in Diff. Equations 14 (1978), 1609-1612)

  • 17. (with A.Y. Kruger) “Minimization of nonsmooth functionals in optimal control problems” Izvest. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Ser. Tekhn. Kibern., No. 4, 1978, 176-182. (Russian; English transl. in Eng. Cybernetics 16 (1978), 126-133)

  • 16. “Difference approximations of optimal control systems”, Prikl. Mat. Mekh .42 (1978), 431-440. (Russian; English transl. in J. Appl. Math. Mech. 42 (1978), 452-461)

  • 15. (with M.A. Dubov) “On stochastic controllability of linear dynamical systems”, Depon. VINITI, No. 1400-78, Moscow, 1978, 15 pp. (Russian; summary in Izvest. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat. Nauk, No. 5, 1978, 132)

  • 14. “Existence of optimal controls”, Itogi Nauki Tech. Sovr. Prob. Mat. 6 (1976), 207-261. (Russian; English transl. in J. Soviet Math. 7 (1977), 850-886)

  • 13. (with V.P. Selchonok) “Time-optimal control of the groundwater regime”, Trudy BelNII Melior. Vodn. Khoz. 25 (1977), 29-33. (Russian)

  • 12. “Approximations and the maximum principle in nonsmooth optimal control problems”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 32 (1977), 263-364. (Russian)

  • 11. (with A.Y. Kruger) “Necessary optimality conditions in terminal control problems with non-functional constraints”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR20 (1976), 1064-1067. (Russian; English summary)

  • 10. (with V.P. Selchonok) “Optimal control of the water level in hydroreclamation channels”,Vodn. Khoz. 6 (1976), 51-58. (Russian)

  • 9. “Maximum principle in problems of time-optimal control with nonsmooth constraints”, Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 40 (1976), 1014-1023. ( Russian; English transl. in J. Appl. Math. Mech. 40 (1976), 960-969)

  • 8. (with R. Gabasov) “Individual existence theorems of optimal controls”, Dokl. Akad.Nauk SSSR 215 (1974), 772-775. (Russian; English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 15 (1974), 576-581)

  • 7. (with R. Gabasov and F.M. Kirillova) “The discrete maximum principle”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 213 (1973), 19-22. (Russian; English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. 14 (1973), 1624-1627)

  • 6. Existence of Optimal Controls and Necessary Optimality Conditions in Dynamical Systems, Ph.D. dissertation (Adviser: R. Gabasov), Belorussian State University, Minsk, 1973, 115 pp.

  • 5. “Optimal control of discrete-time systems”, Differ. Uravn. 9 (1973), 727-734. (Russian; English transl. in Diff. Equations 9 (1973), 553-558)

  • 4. “Existence of optimal controls in terminal control problems without endpoint constraints”, Differ. Uravn. 8 (1972), 1994-1998. (Russian; English transl. in Diff. Equations 8 (1972), 1545-1548)

  • 3. “Certain cases of the existence of optimal controls in terminal control problems”, Vestnik Beloruss. Univ. Ser. I, No. 1, 1972, 89-90. (Russian)

  • 2. “On existence theorems in optimal control”, Differ. Uravn. 7 (1971), 2161-2167. (Russian; English transl. in Diff. Equations 7 (1971), 1627-1631)

  • 1. “Qualitative interrelations of functions in the Lagrange mean-value theorem”, Vestnik Beloruss. Univ. Ser. I, No. 1, 1970, 91-92. (Russian)